BAHAN PRESENTASI UNTUK MATAKULIAH MIKROPROSESOR DAN MIKROKONTROLER KELAS A TA Semester Ganjil 2020-2021 Dosen Pengampu : Darwison, MT Oleh : ANDREA SURYA HABIBIE 1610953039 JURUSAN TEKNIK ELEKTRO FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS ANDALAS PADANG 2020 Referensi : a. Darwison, 2010, ”TEORI, SIMULASI DAN APLIKASI ELEKTRONIKA ”, Jilid 1, ISBN: 978-602-9081-10-7, CV Ferila, Padang b. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson, 2013 c. Jimmie J. Cathey, Theory and Problems of Electronic Device and Circuit, McGraw Hill, 2002. d. Keith Brindley, Starting Electronics, Newness 3rd Edition, 2005 e. Ian R. Sinclair and John Dunton, Practical Electronics Handbook, Newness, 2007. f. John M. Hughes, Practical Electronics: Components and Techniques, O’Reilly Media, 2016.